Tiaan Grundling and André Huysamen, well-known and beloved singers originally from Pretoria, have released a new single titled “Vat my...
Two Pretoria teenagers walked away with prizes at the ATKV-Toneelfinaal held at Kunstekaap in Cape Town from September 23-28. Liza Stolz, portraying Priska in the production...
A widespread power outage has impacted multiple areas in Pretoria East, leaving residents without electricity since 23:39 last night. The affected areas include Lombardy, Mooiplaats, Shere,...
Police in Pretoria North arrested 362 suspects during Operation Shanela on Thursday. The operation, spearheaded by Tshwane district commissioner Major-General Samuel Thine in collaboration with various...
Residents in certain areas of Centurion will experience a temporary water supply interruption on Wednesday, October 9, due to essential maintenance work being carried out by...
Unchain Our Children and partners organized a vaccination drive in Danville, Pretoria West, in observance of the 18th World Rabies Day on September 28. The initiative...
The Akasia CPF committee is appealing to residents of Sector 2 to step up and join the collective effort to combat crime and enhance community safety....
The AfriForum Bronkhorstspruit branch’s youth wing recently undertook repairs on the Battle of Bronkhorstspruit monuments. These historical landmarks, located on the R25, commemorate both the Boers...
Homeowners, farmers, agricultural holdings, and firefighting associations in various parts of Pretoria and its surrounding areas faced significant impact from fires fueled by winds reaching up...
Residents of Theresapark in the north of Pretoria are expressing their growing frustration over persistent water leaks, attributed to ageing asbestos pipes. Despite efforts by the...