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South Africa’s New Smoking Laws: What You Need to Know



The Portfolio Committee on Health is advancing public consultations on South Africa’s new Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill, which proposes significant changes to the country’s smoking and vaping laws.

Revived in July 2024 under the new administration, the bill has sparked mixed reactions from the public, businesses, and labor unions. While some support its public health benefits, others fear economic consequences, especially for small businesses.

What’s Changing?

The bill introduces sweeping regulations aimed at controlling tobacco and electronic nicotine products. Key changes include:

  • Vaping Regulations: Strict controls on electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems (vapes).
  • Plain Packaging: Mandatory graphic health warnings with standardized packaging for all tobacco products.
  • Display Ban: A total ban on displaying tobacco products at points of sale.
  • Vending Machine Ban: Complete prohibition of tobacco vending machines.
  • Smoke-Free Areas: 100% smoke-free indoor public spaces and designated outdoor areas.

Public Support: Health Over Profit

According to the committee, most participants support the bill, emphasizing its potential to:

  • Reduce youth exposure to harmful products like hookah pipes and vapes.
  • Lower the risk of transitioning from vaping to more harmful substances.
  • Decrease the national health burden from smoking-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
  • Discourage smoking initiation through plain packaging and advertising restrictions.

Opposition: Economic Concerns and Illicit Trade Risks

However, some stakeholders strongly oppose the bill, citing:

  • Job Losses: Potential threats to small businesses reliant on tobacco sales, especially with the ban on single-stick cigarettes.
  • Business Impact: Concerns that the advertising ban will hurt retailers dependent on product displays.
  • Vaping Industry Woes: Arguments that vaping should be regulated separately from tobacco due to distinct product differences.
  • Illicit Trade Growth: Fears that stricter laws could boost the black market for cigarettes, already problematic post-COVID restrictions.

The Health Committee will continue national consultations, with oral hearings scheduled in Cape Town for individuals and organizations eager to voice their views.

Read and download full Bill

New Smoking Laws for South Africa Spark Outcry Over Lack of Consultation

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