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ANC Branches Express Disillusionment: ‘Everybody is Running Away from Us,’ Reveals Report



inactive ANC branches

The prospect of inactive ANC branches is causing concern among party members, raising fears that the ruling party might face a decline in support during the 2024 elections. The Citizen reports that the ANC’s electoral committee, chaired by former president Kgalema Motlanthe, has presented a grim outlook on the party’s performance in the upcoming polls. This report, discussed at a special National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting, led to disagreements among senior ANC leaders, according to a Sunday Times article.

The report highlighted many inactive ANC branches, with more than 30% failing to nominate candidates for the 2024 elections. It outlined the challenges hundreds of branches face, emphasising the prevailing disenchantment within the lower structures of the ANC. According to the electoral committee’s findings, only 2,533 branches submitted lists, a notable decrease from the 3,942 branches before last year’s national conference. These branches play a crucial role in the ANC’s electoral strategy, enticing potential voters and encouraging community members to register.

Also read: New Survey Predicts ANC Support in Gauteng Could Drop to 37% in 2024

Expressing concern over the report’s implications, Human Settlements Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi noted that some issues align with the challenges observed during election work. She emphasised the need to implement mechanisms to enhance the party’s chances in the upcoming elections. Former Limpopo Education MEC Polly Boshielo echoed these concerns, cautioning ANC leaders about the reported departure of volunteers. She emphasised that people reject the ANC, presenting an undeniable reality that the NEC should not overlook.

Recent opinion polls have indicated a potential dip in ANC support below 50% for the first time in the 2024 national elections. A poll released by the Brenthurst Foundation in October, in collaboration with the London-based SABI Strategy Group, highlighted a continued decline in ANC support. However, opposition parties might struggle to secure enough support to unseat the ANC if it falls below 50%. The ANC’s support has decreased from 48% in November 2022 to 41% in October 2023, with concerns such as unemployment, corruption, and load shedding ranking high among respondents.


Another challenge is a November Social Research Foundation (SRF) report that indicated that former president Thabo Mbeki holds a higher ‘favourability perceptions score’ than current president Cyril Ramaphosa. As the ANC grapples with internal issues and external perceptions, the report paints a complex picture of the party’s standing as the nation approaches a crucial election period.

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