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Ramaphosa Blames Tshwane Municipality for Cholera Concerns



President Cyril Ramaphosa, accompanied by Ministers Panyaza Lesufi and City of Tshwane Mayor Cilliers Brink, visited Hammanskraal amidst a cholera outbreak that has already claimed the lives of 32 individuals, with 166 confirmed cases in Gauteng. The findings uncovered during Ramaphosa’s visit were deeply troubling as reported by Opera News.

The community of Hammanskraal has been left devastated, feeling neglected by the lack of essential services. Now they are faced with a water crisis that has tragically resulted in the loss of their loved ones. Ramaphosa openly acknowledged that the government had failed to meet the community’s rightful expectations for access to clean water. Essentially, the government had let this community down, and they took the loss of lives to take notice.

Also Read: Mpumalanga reports first fatality in cholera outbreak

Ramaphosa expressed his remorse to the community, stating, “We are sorry that it has taken the deaths of a number of people, even though we have not yet confirmed that the cholera deaths are a direct result of the water supplied to residents. We have not fulfilled your basic human right to clean water, and we have fallen short of your expectations as the people of Hammanskraal.”

During the visit, it was discovered that untreated sewage was being pumped into the Apies River due to negligence in monitoring the Rooiwal plant. The sight of filth and contaminated substances flowing from the plant caused great concern and shock for the President.


President Cyril Ramaphosa was taken aback by the disturbing scene he witnessed in Hammanskraal. The appalling rush of foul-smelling, raw sewage into the Apies River was something he had not anticipated. He expressed his disappointment to an attentive crowd, placing blame on the Tshwane council for disregarding the warnings issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation regarding the deteriorating state of the facility, as well as the urgent need for maintenance and repairs.

Addressing the residents of Hammanskraal, the President acknowledged his sleepless nights as he strives to rectify the country’s problems. He promised to improve service delivery, with a target set for December. Additionally, he pledged to focus on job creation and combatting crime in the area

Also Read: 

Ramaphosa to visit Hammanskraal – the epicentre of South Africa’s cholera outbreak

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