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SALGA Gauteng urges residents to pay their rates and taxes.



rates and taxes

The South African Local Government Association (Salga) Gauteng Chapter, representing municipalities in Gauteng, urges residents and businesses to fulfil their civic duty by promptly paying rates and taxes, which are essential for the sustainability and development of municipalities.

According to Salga, the payment of rates and taxes plays a crucial role in municipal revenue. Rates and taxes help local governments to provide essential services and maintain infrastructure for the benefit of their residents, including water and sanitation, waste management, road maintenance, public safety, and social programs that uplift communities.

Salga Gauteng recognised the challenges individuals and businesses face in the current economic climate but emphasised the collective contribution of rates and taxes in ensuring the delivery of quality services.

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To address some residents’ economic hardships, Salga Gauteng encourages those unable to pay their rates and taxes to register on the municipal indigent databases. These databases help those in need by providing financial relief or alternative payment arrangements, ensuring eligible residents receive support while actively participating in local governance.


Jongizizwe Dlabathi, the chairperson of Salga Gauteng, highlighted the heavy reliance of municipalities on rates and taxes to sustain operations and deliver services that improve the quality of life for all residents. He emphasised the importance of open communication with local municipalities to explore help options. He encouraged a collaborative approach between municipalities, residents, and businesses to overcome local governments’ challenges.

Salga Gauteng reiterated its commitment to fostering a partnership between municipalities, residents, and businesses to address the challenges and work towards improving local communities. They aim to ensure communities thrive even in difficult times by working together.

Source: Pay your rates and taxes, urges SALGA Gauteng

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Picture: Twitter / MpumyDG1

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