Solving Hospice Sewage Woes: Bridge Completion Imminent

A giant sinkhole in Clifton Avenue continues to spread, affecting sewage lines that have burst and are flooding the hospice with sewage. Centurion Hospice is grappling with repeated sewage leaks that flood the property. Now, the metro is building a bridge over the sinkhole to solve it.
On Tuesday morning, April 16, hospice staff arrived at their workplace flooded with sewage. “We have patients that are immuno-compromised,” said hospice spokesperson Hyla van den Berg. The hospice has 16 beds for terminally ill patients and usually cares for them during the last 14 days of life. She said that families and patients who come to the hospital might doubt the integrity of the facility despite the care and urgent attention staff are giving to the problem.
Also read: Repair Plans in Progress for Larger of Two Robindale Sinkholes
For four years, a sinkhole on Clifton Avenue and Potgieter Road partially isolated the facility before the road was reopened and rehabilitated. However, soon after, another sinkhole formed about 150m down the road. “It costs us as every time it floods we have to get someone out to sanitise the property,” said hospice manager Marius Bester.
Ward 57 councillor David Farquharson said that the sinkhole has been a headache for residents and businesses in the area. According to Farquharson, most can remain suspended in the hole for some distance, but shorter ones, including stormwater and sewerage, had to be diverted around.
Metro spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said the sewerage and stormwater lines are being rerouted, and if the weather permits, the work should be completed by April 29. He said the sinkhole was top of the list for repairs, but the details would only become available once the geotechnical investigations were complete.
Source: Bridge to solve hospice sewage woes to be completed soon
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Picture: Supplied by Pretoria Rekord
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