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Rabie Ridge Police Carry Out Spaza Shop Compliance Operation



spaza shop compliance operation

Local police embarked on a comprehensive spaza shop compliance operation aimed at ensuring the adherence of these small businesses to established regulations.

Rabie Ridge SAPS officers took the lead in conducting a home-based business compliance inspection, focusing on non-compliant individuals in areas known for compliance issues, including Mayibuye, Kanana, and Rabie Ridge, on October 25.

This operation was a collaborative effort involving various external stakeholders, including environmental health inspectors, Crime Prevention Wardens, sector managers, Ward Clr Melody Hlatshwayo, and the Community Policing Forum (CPF).

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During their visits to 33 spaza shops, the officers meticulously assessed compliance levels. They took decisive action, issuing 17 fines for non-compliance and, in more severe cases, closing 14 shops that failed to meet the stipulated regulations.


In addition to enforcement, community leaders took part in an informative workshop. The workshop was designed to guide foreign national shop owners regarding the proper procedures and measures to address environmental health concerns.

This operation showcases the commitment of SAPS to enhance compliance, educate and train business owners, and raise consumer awareness regarding spaza shop regulations. By ensuring adherence to these regulations, SAPS aims to reduce the risks associated with expired food products and safeguard the well-being of those who depend on these establishments for their daily needs.

Source: Local police conduct spaza shop compliance operation

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Spaza Shops Face Shutdown If Non-Compliant, Warns MMC Tshwaku


Picture: Facebook / Mmatlou Ernest Marakalala

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