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September 2023 Night Market at Cradlestone Mall



September 2023 Night Market at Cradlestone Mall

Join in the excitement at the Night Market, a monthly event held on the first Thursday of each month at Cradlestone Mall. The upcoming Night Market is scheduled for Thursday, September 7, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and it’s open to everyone eager to partake in the festivities.

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What Awaits You at the Cradlestone Mall Night Market in September 2023?

At this event, attendees can immerse themselves in a diverse world of arts and crafts, tantalising gourmet offerings, and live music, promising an evening of endless exploration and enjoyment as reported by The Night Market also serves as a platform to support local vendors, allowing them to showcase their talents and products to a wider audience.

Conveniently located in the main open parking area, the Night Market ensures easy accessibility for all attendees. The best part is that entry is entirely free, breaking down barriers and enabling individuals to embrace the vibrant atmosphere fully.


Prepare your taste buds for a culinary adventure! The Night Market boasts a mouthwatering selection of food options, including ElisMia Boerekos, Spitbraai, burgers, wraps, Oriental and Thai delicacies, fresh seafood, and various other delightful choices.

This event goes beyond mere attendance; it’s an opportunity for families and friends to create cherished memories together. Take advantage of the chance to savour the lively ambience of the Night Market with your loved ones. Save the date and join the festivities on September 7, 2023!

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Photo: Facebook / @Cradlestone Mall – Endless Discovery

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