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Exploring Soweto on Foot: Hiking Adventures Await!



Exploring Soweto on Foot: Hiking Adventures Await!

Since 2015, Hiking Soweto has been curating distinctive hiking trails and routes through various locations of Msotra, offering an opportunity to explore beyond Soweto’s well-known spaces and moments. This adventure caters to hikers and walkers of all fitness levels, ensuring an inclusive and enjoyable journey for everyone as reported by

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What to Expect:

Embark on a 10km “kasi” hike that promises an authentic exploration of Soweto’s unique Spaces, Sounds, and Moments. The iSTIMELA saseZOLA! edition offers an array of unforgettable experiences, waiting to captivate your senses and immerse you in the essence of Soweto.

HS Guarantee:

While not revealing all the details beforehand, Hiking Soweto guarantees a memorable adventure that includes a 10km kasi hiking experience, a delightful kasi brunch to savour, an HS souvenir to cherish the memories, and an opportunity to enhance your fitness, mindset, aspirations, and overall Soweto experience.

What to Bring:

Ensure to wear weather-appropriate and comfortable activewear for the journey. Opt for hiking shoes or sports shoes to ensure optimal comfort and foot cushioning (avoid flat casual shoes like canvas). Remember to bring a backpack to carry hiking essentials such as water, snacks, sunscreen, a hat/cap, and sunglasses.



5 August 2023


Arrival: 06:30 – 06:50
Start: 07:00 (Op die kop)

Book Your HS Moment:

Select and purchase your tickets now for this extraordinary experience:

  • SOLO ticket: R250 per hiker
  • SQUAD tickets (4+ tickets): R200 per hiker
  • YOUNGSTERS tickets (ages 6 – 18 yrs): R150 per young hiker

Ticket Sales Close on Thursday, 3 August 2023.

Take advantage of this incredible hiking adventure through the vibrant streets of Soweto. Book your tickets now and immerse yourself in the rich culture and beauty of this iconic South African township!

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Photo: Facebook / @Hiking Soweto

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