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Joburg Water: Rapid Population Growth Major Cause for Huge Hike in Consumption



rapid population growth

Johannesburg has been grappling with significant water supply issues recently. The astonishingly high water consumption in the city is exacerbating the situation. According to EWN, Johannesburg Water has cited rapid population growth as a primary factor contributing to the alarming surge in water consumption.

During a media briefing held on Tuesday, Logan Moonsamy, the senior networks manager at Johannesburg Water, underscored that the surge in water consumption has been a critical factor leading to water shortages within the municipality. Some parts of the metro are experiencing low water pressure, while others face completely dry taps.

Moonsamy elaborated on the situation, explaining that while water consumption in the city has skyrocketed, the entity has been unable to match the growing demand with a sufficient water supply. He noted, “One of the main reasons is that people see Johannesburg as a means for better opportunity and employment, and that is why they flock there.”

Also read: Why Water Shifting Shouldn’t Be the Norm for Solving Joburg’s Water Woes

However, the challenge of planning for and managing this rapid population growth falls outside the jurisdiction of Johannesburg Water. Moonsamy emphasised that addressing population growth is a matter for the city and the province to consider.


Nevertheless, despite facing financial constraints, Johannesburg Water remains committed to enhancing water infrastructure in the region. This commitment aims to address the pressing issue of increasing water consumption and ensure a more sustainable and reliable water supply for the growing population of Johannesburg.

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Picture: Unsplash / 21 swan

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