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Safety Advice from South African Cyclist Candice Lill



Safety Advice from South African Cyclist Candice Lill

Cycling has gained immense popularity in South Africa as a form of exercise and leisure. However, a concerning trend has emerged over the past decade, with statistics revealing a distressing 44% increase in preventable deaths resulting from bicycle transportation incidents.

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To address this issue and provide practical insights, we turned to the expertise of Candice Lill, a prominent figure in the South African cycling scene and a King Price Xtreme team member. Her invaluable tips serve as a guide to enhancing safety on our roads for cyclists.

Prioritise Helmet Use: Wearing a helmet isn’t just recommended – it’s a legal requirement in South Africa. Beyond compliance, helmets substantially lower the risk of severe injuries. Remember that helmets are designed for single use in case of an accident, so immediate replacement is crucial.

Thorough Equipment Check: Often underestimated, bicycle equipment malfunctions contribute significantly to accidents. Before embarking on a ride, meticulously inspect your bike, helmet, and gear, including critical components like tyres, chains, and gears.


Enhance Visibility: Many accidents stem from drivers failing to spot cyclists in time. Boost your visibility by fitting reflectors and LED lights to your bicycle. Opt for bright or reflective attire to make yourself more conspicuous on the road.

Focus on the Road: Keeping both hands on the handlebars is vital for maintaining control. Opt for a one-handed water bottle to ensure stability when taking a drink. Avoid the temptation to check your phone while cycling; concentrate on your surroundings and the road ahead.

Adopt a Car-Like Approach: Following the rules of the road and behaving predictably are key to safety. Refrain from weaving through traffic, ignoring traffic signals, or abruptly changing lanes. Ride in alignment with traffic flow, respecting the role of pavements as pedestrian zones.

Insurance and Coverage: Bicycle theft poses a substantial challenge in South Africa. To mitigate financial setbacks, ensure your bike is insured. Some insurers cover accidental damage to bicycle components such as rims and tyres, especially if your bicycle is specified as a portable possession.

Strategic Route Planning: Before commencing your journey, strategise your route selection. Opt for roads with lower traffic volume; when available, prioritise dedicated bicycle lanes for added safety.


Use Hand Signals: Effective communication with fellow road users is paramount. Employ clear hand signals when turning or stopping to convey your intentions. This practice assists drivers, pedestrians, and other cyclists anticipate your movements, thus reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Intersection Awareness: Intersections can be difficult for cyclists. Approach them cautiously, reduce speed, and meticulously scan all directions before turning or crossing. Making eye contact with drivers whenever possible ensures they acknowledge your presence and intentions. Furthermore, be mindful of load-shedding, as it can transform busy intersections into potentially hazardous areas.

While cycling offers numerous advantages in transportation and physical activity, safeguarding yourself is paramount. By embracing the counsel of Candice Lill, you can relish your cycling experience while minimising the inherent risks associated with cycling in South Africa.

Source: SA cyclist Candice Lill’s tips to keep safe

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Photo: Supplied by Citizen

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